On-Site/Virtual Classroom

Retail Store Leadership

Retail Management Training: On-Site/Virtual Overview

In this interactive, scenario-based program, your store leaders will learn practical strategies based on our national industry research of best practices for store-based supervisors who deal directly with customers. The RSL modules are critical situations these supervisors face every day with their teams. By developing your supervisors’ interpersonal skills and by changing behaviors in ways that positively impact the entire team, your managers, assistants, and key holders will be able to navigate the challenges of store management—from high turnover to a turbulent economy to the fickle tastes and habits of consumers. MOHR’s proven strategies will help your supervisors engage associates, increase customer loyalty, and inspire new levels of performance.

An Implementation Strategy Designed to Get Results

Lasting behavior change doesn’t come from a one-time training event. Our on-site/virtual classroom retail management training includes easy-to-implement pre- and post-workshop tools and activities to ensure you get the greatest value from your training investments. Application modules addressing a variety of key management skills and performance issues are also available as part of the RSL program. We will work with you prior to the training to select appropriate application modules and delivery mechanisms based on your business and learning objectives.

Online Training Options

Retail Store Leadership Online Training (RSL OLT) brings the concepts of this time-tested leadership program to a mobile format accessible via phone, tablet, or desktop. Includes microlearning and coaching guides for reinforcement. Find out more here.


On-Demand Webinar

Your store leaders can make a huge impact on the customer and employee experience with coaching conversations that take less than 3 minutes. Learn effective floor supervision tips and the benefits of coaching in real-time.


Everything DiSC® on Catalyst Survey: All participants complete this 15-minute pre-workshop, online survey. It provides participants with powerful insights about how they tend to communicate, what their strengths are in terms of how they connect with others, and the limitations that could keep them from being able to create strong relationships. These insights form the foundation for learning, application, and change.

Daily Reinforcement App:  All participants download the App to access Level 1 questions on the Role of the Leader initial RSL Content to include gamification, leaderboard to compete with participant peers and Discover Zone resource center, to stimulate learning prior to the 1st session.  The App will serve as daily reinforcement with the addition of Level 2 & 3 questions, graduate points and continuous knowledge growth throughout the course and then 90 days post the last session. 

Senior Manager Training: To optimize the effectiveness of the training and connect it to specific cultural and behavioral standards, many retailers choose to have their senior managers participate in a half-day version of the workshop or a full-day Executive Overview of the entire Retail Store Leadership program. (Please note: Additional fees apply for senior manager training. Contact us for details.)


The Role of the Leader. Uncover the characteristics of a “Best Boss.” Identify the range of roles a motivational manager must play. Learn how managers should implement effective strategies to motivate your workforce. Establish an Anchor Goal that keeps everyone focused on what matters most.

Review of personalized 20-page Everything DiSC® report. Refine communication effectiveness, each according to his or her own style, throughout the session.

Four Core Communication Skills. Learn and apply the four core communication skills to retail examples, including written exercises and group discussion.

Focused Application: Facilitation of one half-day application module of your choice (see list on following tab).


Performance Situation Application Modules: Available for implementation according to your specific business and learning objectives. Each classroom-based module is approximately 3-4 hours long for live or virtual delivery, Hybrid includes 8 hours of classroom engagement, practice and feedback delivered in four-2-hour virtual classroom sessions.

  • Setting Performance Expectations
  • Effective Floor Supervision
  • Improving Below-Standard Performance
  • Delegating to Develop
  • Resolving Team Conflicts
  • Getting Commitment on New Initiatives
  • Building Trust


Ongoing Change You Can Measure

The Daily Reinforcement APP with Microlearning reinforcement videos: RSL+ is a proven microlearning app for reinforcement that boosts application of the techniques taught in the two-day training, 8 session virtual or 4 session with microlearning videos hybrid RSL solution, with a consistent 90% usage rate. Average time spent on Daily Reinforcement App is 3-5 minutes a day and keeps newly acquired skills and training concepts top of mind, delivering remarkable ROI for your training investment. Clients report a direct link between consistent usage of the app and improved store performance and behavior change.

Pricing and Details

Virtual or Onsite Classroom

Instructor-Led Workshops


Virtual (Eight two-hour virtual sessions)
Onsite Classroom (Two-day workshop)

$995 per participant

Includes facilitation, DiSC®, and 100-day pre & post-training microlearning reinforcement app, participant tool kit with post-session on the job tools and a producer for all virtual sessions (a virtual producer supports all virtual workshops to eliminate technical challenges, enhance participant engagement and learning and ensure a seamless experience)

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