DiSC Style Group Reports provide a key insight
Our personal style influences many if not all of our decisions and many interactions with others. When a retailer is able to pull group reports of intact teams at the Support Center or of the field management team—e.g., DMs, regions, store groups—they gain incredibly valuable insight about not only the group style but what motivates this group and how to best manage them.
For $75 per report we can create reports that summarize the key challenges of a group, primary motivators, and maximizing management actions that keep the group focused and achieving their best. In addition, we can provide Inscape/Wiley Comparison Reports for the very low price of FREE! These 1-1 comparisons of any two people in the same organization who has taken the Workplace Profile. The system selects six priorities this pair should discuss and build a plan of action for how to be communicate. (Did I mention these are free?)
Style influences our interactions. Make sure your style works with everyone else’s! How do you provide insight to your management team?