Graphic Recording
Actually, Janet Schatzman of Schatzman Associates had an amazing answer; Graphic Recording. In real-time, as Janet listened to our discussions and meeting she drew and recorded key points and “mapped out” the past, present, and future for all of us to see. Prior to the meeting we did share with Janet our meeting objectives and information we would be presenting via PowerPoint. This allowed her to create a template to use and fill in during the meeting. We all now have a graphic illustration of what we thought and decided to refer to throughout the year. It’s digital so the information can be updated as we achieve our objectives and/or respond to client changes.
It was an amazing body of work that is now easily accessible to all of our teams. If you ever want to fully capture a strategic meeting’s intent and outcomes this is truly one of the best methods I’ve seen in a very long time. It certainly beats trying to decipher your quickly written notes on napkins and small hotel pads! You can contact Janet at [email protected]. She would be happy to talk you through the process. You can thank us later.