Leading from a Distance: Electronic Communications Dos and Don’ts
Technology has made it easier to lead remotely—but only if you know how to use it effectively.
Emails, text messages, voicemail, and even the good old-fashioned telephone are all tools DMs can leverage to manage from a distance and make better use of the time spent on store visits.
Each form of electronic communications has benefits as well as pitfalls, so muti-unit managers need to be aware of how and when to use them to get the best results.
Download this handy guide with quick tips for making technology work, and you’ll discover:
- The “3-time rule” of email communications
- Dos and don’ts of texting
- Top reasons to use the phone
- How to leave a better voicemail
- and more
Hungry for more? Join us on June 14th for our complimentary webinar, 5 Secrets to Leading from a Distance. Strategically.