New Skills for Retail Multiunit Managers’ New Challenges
Managing multiple locations and regional/territory teams is no easy task. And as the retail environment has continued to change and become more demanding and competitive, the job of multiunit leadership has only become that much more complex.
Today’s district and regional managers need an increasingly sophisticated level of skills, strategies, and tools to drive critical business results: They have to be able to lead developmental, transitional, and transformational changes. They must also be able to influence their peers, direct reports, corporate, and bosses to take a different approach or flex a policy to get things done.
With their credibility and reputation on the line, multiunit managers increasingly have to demonstrate leadership presence, develop more open and collaborative relationships, and gain the insights and ideas to take control over their own growth and career development.
We’ve been working with a number of major retailers to build advanced competencies and behaviors among their multiunit managers so that they can step up to today’s retail realities. The result is a new series of Advanced Retail Multiunit Management (RMM) modules that can be delivered in half-day (1 module) or full-day (2 modules) sessions.
These modules address the critical issues that get to the core of what impacts the business—and require more sophistication and leadership adaptability than ever before. Topics include:
- Leading Change
- Influencing for Results
- Communicating for Success
- Turning Feedback into Change
- Peer Ideation, an opportunity for leaders to bring challenging business situations to a group of peers for collaborative insights and problem-solving
You can find additional details about our advanced retail management training here, or get in touch with us to learn more.