MOHR Ideas at work.
Our work takes us all over the world. And we learn a lot as we train. Today, there’s no reason to wait until we’re back at home base to pass on a good idea or highlight a trend. Here’s where you’ll find them as soon as we spot them.
Choose to use!
Those who are intentional achieve more. We know this is true. Why? Our daily To-Do lists are full and constantly being buffeted by new priorities someone else adds or that appear out of nowhere from the dynamic business envirnonment called retail. What we’ve observed as a best practice is that multiunit managers and others who…
To Certify or Buy?
Our goal with clients is to help build interpersonal skills in their merchant and store teams that drive results. We do not have a goal to make clients ‘consultant-dependent’. As a multi-national company we serve a broad variety of retailers from mom and pop to retailers known around the world. So when a client asks…
Spreading some hiring news
One of our clients asked for some help in sharing that they are hiring. Here are the details. Bob’s Stores is a northeast regional retailer of branded apparel and footwear headquartered in Meriden, Connecticut. We are currently conducting a search for some super talented Buyers, Associate Buyers, Planners and Allocators. If you know anyone who…
Training trends for 2013
Since more and more of our retail clients have extended their global reach through either licensing and/or company-store expansion outside the US, translation of programs is becoming more important. Translation doesn’t simply mean just converting English to Mandarin or French-Canadian, it means making sure that the meaning in that country is culturally appropriate. We use…
Sandy has wreaked havoc on us!
Sorry for no recent posts. Hurricane Sandy did exactly what was forecasted to the east coast. The town where our main offices are has a curfew and personally many of our team’s homes are still without power. It’s amazing how your life changes without the ability to charge your electronics or get internet service! Back when things…
Mass Customization
When some training firms talk about ‘customization’ of materials they really mean ‘tailoring’. That might include changing a few words through a search of the document or slapping a logo on the binder cover. Customization really requires creating something brand new for the client. Historically at MOHR Retail, customization, creating something that looks and addresses client-specific…
Why Retail will always be about the people
When the SVP, Stores got up to address this group of multiunit managers, he talked about people. He made the connection that when times are tough in retail, the leadership message is often more focused on operations and back to basics. But he wanted this group to know that the focus now more than ever…
8 Months later…
As pre-work to the follow up training last February, DMs were asked to identify 3 success stories with business impact after applying the leadership strategies from RMM. We heard about Store Managers who were ‘on warning’ moving to the top of a district’s performance in key metrics. There were stories about turnover being reduced by…

Our eBook outlines 7 practical reinforcement strategies to help your participants internalize the learning and turn it into daily practice so they can get sustained performance results.