Retail Multiunit Management
Is Your Retail Manager Training Making an Impact? Here’s How to Find Out
One of the biggest challenges of so-called “soft skills” behavior-based training is measuring return on investment. Did the time and money spent on the training deliver dividends back to the business? And how can we sustain and keep building on that value? This is a big concern for retailers when they take leaders away from…
Read More4 Skills Retail Leaders Need to Succeed
We’re often asked what key skills and behaviors store managers, district leaders, and other retail leaders need to succeed in today’s challenging retail environment. While the retail world continues to go through disruption and upheaval, we’ve seen through our continuing research over the years that there are a few core, foundational attributes that are consistently…
Read MoreHow to Maximize Retail Training’s Impact
When you send a district manager or retail store leader through a training program, it’s an investment—of time, money, and effort, not to mention the fact that they’re going to be away from their daily responsibilities. But it’s also an investment in the future of the business. It’s a down payment on the results and…
Read MoreThe Evolution of Retail Multiunit Management
Back in 2004 when we launched our original Retail Multiunit Management (RMM) program, the retail environment was a little different, to say the least. Shopping malls still ruled. Amazon wasn’t yet the juggernaut it is today. The idea of shopping as a “customer experience” was still fairly new. And by and large, salespeople had more…
Read MoreFocus and Adaptability Keep Retailers Ahead of the Curve
It seems like every time you turn around there’s another gloomy story of “retail’s apocalypse.” While it’s true that brick and mortar retail is facing an array of challenges right now, change isn’t a new thing in retail. In fact, retail is one of the most adaptable industries, which is why it’s had so many…
Read More5 Things Great Retail Multiunit Managers Do
One of the exciting and sometimes frustrating challenges of retail management is that you have a number of different priorities to deal with all at the same time. District managers, regional managers, and other retail leaders who are responsible for leading multiple stores and locations have more things going on than is possible to accomplish…
Read MoreHow Multiunit Managers Can Get the Most Out of Store Visits
We all know the feeling. You’re sitting there with someone, face to face. They may even be looking you right in the eye. You’ve gotten together so you can share some important information or updates. Maybe you haven’t seen them in a while, so you want to fill them in on everything that’s happened since…
Read MoreNew Retail Research on Best Practices for Leading Multiple Stores
Many retailers assume that if a manager has been successful in leading a store team, then he or she can effectively lead a group of stores. It’s an assumption that has been proven wrong too many times to count. Moving from single-store leadership to leading a region or district group of stores is the single…
Read MoreRetail Managers Find Power in the Pause
In retail, it’s easy to react, especially in the rush of the moment or the chaos of a busy floor. But this often has the opposite effect of what’s intended. Reactive statements like “That’s not possible” or “You’re blowing this out of proportion” land with judgment. In return, they often lead to quick, defensive remarks…
Read More7 Ways to Turn Training Concepts into Daily Practice
Training is an important first step in driving positive change. But it’s just that: a first step. The bigger hurdle? Sustaining that change when you’re back juggling priorities and wading through the chaos of the day to day. Make sure your leaders and managers get the most from their learning experience. Our new eBook outlines…
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