
MOHR Ideas at work.

Our work takes us all over the world. And we learn a lot as we train. Today, there’s no reason to wait until we’re back at home base to pass on a good idea or highlight a trend. Here’s where you’ll find them as soon as we spot them.

Preparing Retail Staff for the 2015 Holiday Shopping Season

By MOHR Retail | September 29, 2015

Flat wages and shaky consumer confidence will likely dampen the holiday sales surge for most retailers this year. With Deloitte forecasting a 4% increase in sales this holiday season, versus 5.2% last year, the domino effect is bound to hit seasonal staffing as well. According to Deloitte and a number of other research firms, several…

Why You Should Rethink Your Approach to Retail Support Leadership Training

By Michael Patrick | September 18, 2015

Management is about getting things done through people, so all management training programs can teach all managers how to do that. Or so the conventional wisdom goes. But ask leaders and managers in store support and home office roles about what they’re dealing with in the complex world of retail management, and that conventional wisdom…

4 Tips for Managing Effective Retail-Supplier Relationships

By Michael Patrick | August 25, 2015

Much of retail negotiation hinges on how effectively you build and manage your supplier relationships. When you cultivate strong partnerships, the benefits add up—for you, the vendor, and your customer. What builds true partnerships? We asked key vendors and retailers what influences them most. Here are some tips that came from those discussions. Talk to…

Amazon and the Realities of Retail Leadership

By Michael Patrick | August 19, 2015

Exposés of what goes on behind the scenes at large, well-known companies are guaranteed attention grabbers, so it’s no surprise that this week’s New York Times story about Amazon’s “bruising workplace” has been getting non-stop coverage. Since the article came out, there has been some controversy about whether the findings are truly representative since they…

The One Non-Negotiable for a Successful Retail Leadership Training Initiative

By Michael Patrick | July 31, 2015

The other day I met with a team of senior L&D leaders from a well-known chain. They’re looking for leadership development across all levels of the organization—store leadership, multiunit management, and the home office. I knew they’d probably implemented some kind of leadership development programs in the past, so I wanted to get a better…

Why Retailers Are Paying Attention to Core Values

By Michael Patrick | July 27, 2015

Over the last few weeks, at least four retailers have introduced themselves to us by talking about their core values. While values and mission statements have always been around, for many there seems to be a renewed sense of importance in connecting core values with learning and development initiatives. These retailers want to make sure…

Results Hinge on the Pivot from Training to the Field

By Michael Patrick | July 13, 2015

The riddle many training departments are facing—and are increasingly frustrated by—is how to get all that excitement and energy from the training to carry on in the field long after the event itself. What we often see is that there’s a lot of focus and attention on the implementation. Maybe it’s being rolled out at…

Retail Sales Training

Turning Showroomers Into In-Store Buyers

By Michael Patrick | June 25, 2015

Salespeople hear all kinds of challenges and objections on the store floor, and of course, pricing is one of the biggest. Today more than ever, the culprit is information: consumers typically have more information at their fingertips than the salespeople do. It’s very common for customers to do price comparisons on their smartphones while shopping…