MOHR Ideas at work.
Our work takes us all over the world. And we learn a lot as we train. Today, there’s no reason to wait until we’re back at home base to pass on a good idea or highlight a trend. Here’s where you’ll find them as soon as we spot them.
When subtle becomes obvious
Yesterday in a session, two participants were asked to be a part of what we call a ‘modeled’ practice. That’s where the facilitator arranges for two folks to rehearse their real-life situations using our approach in front of a larger group to demonstrate how to make small group practices richer and more valuable. There is…
Repetition of reinforcement is a good thing
Training, and in particular, classroom training, allows participants to hit the “pause” button on their daily flood of input, advice, direction and re-direction. But, when attendees leave a training session the waters begin to rise quickly. There are three major ways we address that challenge to learning and talent development. First, all of our training…
Budget (rent a car) battle
I rented a car from Budget for a meeting I had today abt 45 minutes from my hotel. I got up this morning to find out the car battery had died. With just enough time kfor the drive I had to leave the car and hire a taxi for the long trip. When I got…
Better access to training
We have reformatted all of our Taking Action preparation tools and Virtual Coach self-debriefing forms as well as our RMM MyPlan and RNS negotiation planners into electronic forms that you can type directly into on your PC and save on your hard drive. No more hard copy to file or lose! One of the points…
Last night of MSL shoot
We have shot scenarios of delegating in IT dealing with leading cross-functional teams. We did a model on improving below standard performance in the DC relating to scans per day percentage. Last night we shot a scenario dealing with how to influence other internal partners. There was great chemistry and a terrific realism all three…
Next level
All of these clients have asked us to review their internally developed programs and give recommendations on how to take it to the next level. It’s an opportunity we value and understand how vulnerable a client might feel. We respect their intelligence and understanding of theistic ate culture and workings of their company that we…
New Merchant & Support Leadership (MSL) video production
Next week we will spend an entire week shooting video for our new merchant &support leadership program. For months now we’ve been leading up to this production event. It’s not the end, more like the middle. It began as it always does, with our clients. This program came directly from clients who expressed a need…
Don’t give up!
Persistence is a key to learning and having fun with math. Research shows that most Americans when presented with a puzzle or problem that’s even moderately difficult will give up trying to solve it within a minute or less. Being persistent is essential to developing good solutions and ideas or even brainstorming effectiveness. I blame…

Our eBook outlines 7 practical reinforcement strategies to help your participants internalize the learning and turn it into daily practice so they can get sustained performance results.