MOHR Ideas at work.
Our work takes us all over the world. And we learn a lot as we train. Today, there’s no reason to wait until we’re back at home base to pass on a good idea or highlight a trend. Here’s where you’ll find them as soon as we spot them.
One-stop Shopping for Training & OD
The book, Developing Talent for Organizational Results, has a wide range of exercises, insights, and research provided by many of the ISA’s most experienced and proven learning providers. Now, in one place, you can get quick access to this information. MOHR Retail contributed a chapter on “Reinforcement: Making Great Training Pay Off!” (starts on pg 415).…
Learning from Legends
ISA was started 35 years ago when formal training and development companies were few and far between. The new ‘training’ industry was just forming and it took leaders with tremendous courage and insight to recognize that even competitors could learn something from each other. At this year’s annual conference we had the pleasure of reconnecting…
7,000 Retail DMs plus one more
Last week we facilitated RMM for a regional retailer at their company-wide meeting with DMs. As part of RMM, after the training DMs are able to continue strengthening their use of what they learned via our web-based 90-day reinforcement platform. Here’s what one DM wrote to us about her experience with RMM: “I used the new…
Work-Life balance in retail. Really?
If you made a list of challenges and likes about your job in retail you’d probably find that the things that made you crazy, e.g., changing priorities, limited resources, multiple goals, would actually be on the other side of why you liked the job, e.g., never dull, always interesting, a new challenge every day, forced you…
Getting the most from training
Not all of our retail clients choose to do more than our classroom training. While our programs are practical, industry-focused, skills-based programs that drive results sometimes the effort stops with the session. This retailer was different. They typically used their national meetings as a stage for all the Home Office departments to come in and do a…
New Retail Store Support program moving forward
We have launched a final draft version of our “RSS” program or Retail Store Support. In order to refine RSS into a final version we have been conducting phone and observation interviews to uncover and confirm the list of performance modules we will build for RSS; each with a unique discussion strategy as well as…
Training insights
One of our core Communication Skills is Shape Performance with Reinforcement. There are several techniques we cover when teaching this skill to District Managers or Store Managers. I happened to have a more diverse group today that included Regional Presentation Managers, L&D, and some DMs. We were talking about how we sometimes reinforce behavior or…
Leveraging insights about your style
We’re an official distributor of Inscape Publishing’s new online Everything Disc Workplace style surveys. This new version of DiSC provides an even richer and more intuitive individual report for participants to use. It focuses on eight priorities that your individual style values. Having information about your style is very helpful. Having information about others you…

Our eBook outlines 7 practical reinforcement strategies to help your participants internalize the learning and turn it into daily practice so they can get sustained performance results.