We sat down with MOHR Retail’s new president, Mary Beth Garcia, to explore some of the trends, challenges, and predictions for retailers in the coming year. Read part one of the three-part discussion below. There were a lot of high-profile retail stories in 2018, but if you had to narrow it down, what two or…

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retail omnichannel

Every new technology announcement in the world of retail is guaranteed to generate a lot of buzz. Take Amazon’s Dash Button, for example. Press a button, and you’ve instantly placed an order for those common, high-volume commodity items. Convenience for the consumer, more valuable data on customer buying habits for Amazon, more talk of robots taking…

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retail trends

It seems like every time you turn around there’s another gloomy story of “retail’s apocalypse.” While it’s true that brick and mortar retail is facing an array of challenges right now, change isn’t a new thing in retail. In fact, retail is one of the most adaptable industries, which is why it’s had so many…

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retail management training

Many retailers assume that if a manager has been successful in leading a store team, then he or she can effectively lead a group of stores. It’s an assumption that has been proven wrong too many times to count. Moving from single-store leadership to leading a region or district group of stores is the single…

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Be part of our new research on the challenges and best practices of leading at a distance, and receive “first view” access to the report of findings, including implications for retail multiunit management skills and strategy development. More than 7,000 retail DMs have participated in our retail multiunit management training programs. This new research will delve…

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Whether you’re trying to negotiate or influence another person or just motivate them to do something more or differently, at some point you’re going to need to stop talking and hear their side of the issue. You can’t learn if you’re talking. And it’s next to impossible to force new behavior or agreement without engaging…

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Our personal style influences many if not all of our decisions and many interactions with others.  When a retailer is able to pull group reports of intact teams at the Support Center or of the field management team—e.g., DMs, regions, store groups—they gain incredibly valuable insight about not only the group style but what motivates this…

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Over the past year, we have had a significant increase in client requests for retail leadership.  However, it’s not focused solely on the DM, Store, or even Assistant Store Managers.  There is a clear trend to provide more leadership development for leads and supervisors who are being asked to motivate, delegate, and maximize productivity with…

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Every retailer has constraints; budget, timing, agenda topics, etc.  Our learning design guarantees behavior change.  If we don’t think we can deliver on that promise we don’t agree to the slicing and dicing that is requested sometimes. All of our programs whether leadership, negotiation, sales, or service begin with foundational insights, best practices, and skills. …

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First let’s clarify that ‘role play’ is not the same as ‘skill practice’.  Semantics you say?  We think not.  There is a huge difference between being handed a sheet of paper with some made-up scenario with a role you don’t recognize and now have to pretend to play and a scenario that is work-specific, you…

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