
MOHR Ideas at work.

Our work takes us all over the world. And we learn a lot as we train. Today, there’s no reason to wait until we’re back at home base to pass on a good idea or highlight a trend. Here’s where you’ll find them as soon as we spot them.

Preparing Store Leaders for the Retail Fall/Holiday Season

By Michael Patrick | July 5, 2016

At the store level, execution during the fall/holiday season is everything. This means your store leaders have to be able to communicate the specifics and importance of what to focus on. They have to coach and reinforce sales and service behaviors. They have to be prepared to address their teams as soon as they see…

7 Ways to Turn Training Concepts into Daily Practice

By MOHR Retail | June 14, 2016

Training is an important first step in driving positive change. But it’s just that: a first step. The bigger hurdle? Sustaining that change when you’re back juggling priorities and wading through the chaos of the day to day. Make sure your leaders and managers get the most from their learning experience. Our new eBook outlines…

4 Factors That Separate Great Retail Leaders from the Rest

By MOHR Retail | May 24, 2016

The headline—15 Traits of a “Terrible” Retail Leader—is bound to get your attention. SUCCESS magazine recently surveyed members of the Young Entrepreneurs Council to find out what qualities terrible leaders seem to have in common. From dismissing ideas other than your own to having a poor communication strategy, the list runs the gamut of issues we…

Are Your Managers Missing the Signals?

By Michael Patrick | May 16, 2016

When we talk about motivation, we think of it as an outcome, not an input. If you’re a retail multiunit manager, one of the most effective ways to improve motivation is to help your team become more competent in how to do their job well. Based on our research, there are four factors that make…

Leading from a Distance: Electronic Communications Dos and Don’ts

By MOHR Retail | May 12, 2016

Technology has made it easier to lead remotely—but only if you know how to use it effectively. Emails, text messages, voicemail, and even the good old-fashioned telephone are all tools DMs can leverage to manage from a distance and make better use of the time spent on store visits. Each form of electronic communications has…

Retail Leadership Skills: Not Just for Leaders Any More

By Michael Patrick | April 14, 2016

While the merits of Holacracy have been hotly debated (particularly in relation to Zappos’ high-profile pivot to a “peer-to-peer workplace”), most of the interest in management skills for non-managers that we’ve seen lately doesn’t involve this kind of extreme shift to a flat organization. Instead, it centers around the trend towards more highly collaborative and…

5 Secrets to Leading from a Distance. Strategically.

By MOHR Retail | April 4, 2016

Managing multiple locations and their regional/territory teams requires a unique set of leadership skills and strategies. We’re excited to be partnering up with Training Magazine Network for a complimentary interactive webinar exploring the five key practices of how to lead from a distance effectively. Drawing from our current national retail industry research study, we will explore…

National Retail Research: Leading From a Distance

By MOHR Retail | March 14, 2016

Be part of our new research on the challenges and best practices of leading at a distance, and receive “first view” access to the report of findings, including implications for retail multiunit management skills and strategy development. More than 7,000 retail DMs have participated in our retail multiunit management training programs. This new research will delve…