MOHR Ideas at work.
Our work takes us all over the world. And we learn a lot as we train. Today, there’s no reason to wait until we’re back at home base to pass on a good idea or highlight a trend. Here’s where you’ll find them as soon as we spot them.
DiSC Style Group Reports provide a key insight
Our personal style influences many if not all of our decisions and many interactions with others. When a retailer is able to pull group reports of intact teams at the Support Center or of the field management team—e.g., DMs, regions, store groups—they gain incredibly valuable insight about not only the group style but what motivates this…
Conducting training for something other than training
We’re a training AND consulting firm. We often get retailer requests to help a client clarify their objectives as well as to recommend specific solutions. Most of the types of requests are to meet a specific skill gap with training. But more and more our clients are also coming to us to talk through how…
The Motivation Mindset: Questioning the ‘Carrot’
Retailers like results. They’re constantly looking for ways to motivate employees to meet and exceed goals. We’ve discussed MOHR’s Leadership Model and our view that motivation is an input not an outcome in past blogs. A collegue sent the following YouTube link to me and it resonated strongly. Not only because it’s scientific proof that…
Trend Alert: Digging deep on leader development
Over the past year, we have had a significant increase in client requests for retail leadership. However, it’s not focused solely on the DM, Store, or even Assistant Store Managers. There is a clear trend to provide more leadership development for leads and supervisors who are being asked to motivate, delegate, and maximize productivity with…
Engagement: The next level
We work with more than a hundred different retailers each year and train thousands of retail store associates, managers, and DMs. One of the words that retailers are using now is “engagement”. The focus is clearly shifting, especially regarding customer experience, toward ways to more fully engage the customer. Clients are looking for skills and…
We love your 2-day program…can we do it in 2 hours?!
Every retailer has constraints; budget, timing, agenda topics, etc. Our learning design guarantees behavior change. If we don’t think we can deliver on that promise we don’t agree to the slicing and dicing that is requested sometimes. All of our programs whether leadership, negotiation, sales, or service begin with foundational insights, best practices, and skills. …
Summer’s here…time to plan for Fall!
In the past two weeks six different, major retail clients have called to schedule meetings to discuss plans for training September thru December. With July almost here BTS will begin shortly. In retail, everything happens fast. That means that having all your ducks in a row, getting the resources, partners, participants, and agendas laid out…
MOHR’s Global Retail Reach
The word is out! We teach interpersonal skills to retailers that drive results. Today, in addition to North America, retail DMs, Store Managers, and Associates around the world are attending and utilizing skills from our programs. Our clients are teaching RSL in Japanese in Tokyo, Mandarin in Beijing, French in Canada, Spanish in Puerto Rico,…

Our eBook outlines 7 practical reinforcement strategies to help your participants internalize the learning and turn it into daily practice so they can get sustained performance results.